1984 is a book astir(predicate) the prox state of the public in which, heroic Brother, watches and regulates everything that throng trust and do. Winston Smith is a citizen in Oceania and a member of the Outer political party, he is faithful for changing historical documents to agree with the ideals of the party. Winston razetually realizes his hatred for the society and starts having thinkcrimes. George Orwells 1984, is a tenacious dystopian look into what the future could grow into. I believe Orwell is trying to warn family of the dangers of technology. For character the Big Brother, is fit to control and hear what people are imploring at all times with the telescreen, a screen where members of the caller are adequate to hear what you say and talk to you through with(predicate) it. I believe this could be an allusion to telecasting and its manipulating affects on people. How propaganda can control what people believe and feed us ideas that we may not neces sarily run through believed if it not exposed to by television. What I find so haunting about this book is how applicable it is to modern society. For display fictional character the propaganda that you hear on radio and watch on the television. But, level(p) more invasive then this is the government organism able to search through your private lives. For example, the USA PATRIOT apply that was passed in 2001.

It allowed the government to limit restrictions on searching telephone, netmail communications, and other records. Whats even worse is that after the attacks of 911 in that respect were many citizens who supported this act. George Orwell predicted this; that citizens would car e so a lot about safety that they would los! e their individual rights and be sanction with it. This is scarcely what happens in the story. The Proles (proletariat) are so blinded by their motivation to be safe and secure that they believe everything that Party tells them. For example they might decrease the amount of food being given, just announce to everyone that they have increased it, and the Proles will merrily believe...If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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