Saturday, January 25, 2014

Human Service Agency And Visit Interview

Human Service Agency Visit and Interview Suzanne BSHS 301 February 27, 2012 sing Watson affable Worker Interview with: Lanese Clausell I. Years of Experience A. How many an(prenominal) years in your field 1. Lanese has 12 years stick in the companionable effect field 2. She has been with the same situation since graduating from Fresno body politic. 3. She has a Bachelors degree and graduated from Fresno State in 2000 B. Type of sociable Worker 1. Lanese is a CPS Social worker 2. She workings for Tulare County II. Job Description 1. Provides counseling and realise for families. Helps families with a honorable and stable environment 2. Adoptions; finds a gentle home for children that do non have caregivers 3. Foster cope; finds temporary homes for children that need to be removed from a sickly environment III. Likes and Dislike 1. She loves her line of business and co-workers 2. She loves that everyday is a challenge and everyday is different 3. She enjoys working with Families and patroning them with any of the tilt her agency provides. 4. She likes it when a family can be reunited. She likewise loves it when she helps ascension a positive change in a familys life. 5. She loves children and wanted to be a Social Worker so she can make a difference in soulfulnesss life, and to help sever in her community. 6. She loves that she only whole shebang 4 days a week, so she can font away time with her family. 7. Her dislikes about her job: when she can not help someone because her agencies policies will not allow her to. 8. Sh! e also dislikes her job when a case turns out badly. IV. Pay denture 1. Lanese makes approximately $60 thousand a year 2. replete Benefits : Medical, Dental, and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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